i've created a /now page
18th april 2021
i know, i know, i’m a little late to the party on this one. but it’s something i’ve been meaning to do for a while now.
if you don’t know what a /now page is, i definitely recommend having a look through the original blog post by derek sivers. you can also find a list of /now pages that other people have created and how to get started with your own over at https://nownownow.com.
as a concept, it’s a great way for people to find out what you’re currently up to. but also, given my site is all in vcs, it can act as a personal log of what I’m up to at a given time.
this last year of the pandemic has meant it’s been increasingly difficult to keep people in the loop as to your personal and professional circumstances. i find the idea of having a quick summary online very appealing. now if only my family would accept a link as opposed to a phone call… I joke of course, keep in touch with your family, people!
some of this is in reaction to deleting my linkedin account last year and attempting to bolster my presence on my own website as opposed to social media and other services. ideally, I’d like to go full indieweb one day, but alas other things get in the way…
so for now, small steps: domjackson.xyz/now